OSCOLA referencing


A bibliography is a list of all the material that you have referred to in your work. A bibliography may also include material that you have consulted but not referred to.

Bibliographies are usually arranged in alphabetical order by the author surname. If you are not sure if a bibliography is required, check your departmental student handbook or coursework specification for further information.

The Oxford University System for the Citation of Legal Authorities or OSCOLA referencing style is designed by Oxford University to accurately reference authorities, legislation, and a variety of legal materials. It is widely used by Law Schools and legal researchers in the UK.

Referencing in OSCOLA is a two part process:


The complete "Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)" manual is available from the University of Oxford Faculty of Law. An OSCOLA Quick Reference Guide is also available.

Other guides to OSCOLA are also available. One is "Citing the Law: Referencing Using OSCOLA". This guide was part funded by the UK Centre for Legal Education and produced by Cardiff University. "Citing and referencing sources using the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities A-Z list of examples" by Cardiff University is also available.

It is important to be consistent and accurate when citing your sources. The same set of rules should be followed every time you reference, including the layout and punctuation.

Citing the Law: Referencing Using OSCOLA by Cardiff University is licenced under CC BY 4.0